Making Space for Grace in Technology

Empathy > Efficiency
Hector Ouilhet

Un "estroverso" di professione. Dovunque si trovi, Hector umanizza le interfacce dei computer in modo da renderle facilmente accessibili a tutti, utilizza la tecnologia per risolvere problemi umani, e sblocca il potere degli individui per mobilitare intere organizzazioni.

A professional “people person”. No matter where he’s working, Hector humanizes computer interfaces to make them accessible for everyday people, uses technology to solve human problems, and unlocks the power of individuals to mobilize entire organizations.

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June 19, 2021
OGR Cult - Duomo

Una profonda analisi sul compromesso tra efficienza ed eleganza in ambito tecnologico, a sostegno dell'interaction design e di come dovrebbe sempre porre in enfasi l'umanità ed i momenti umani. I designer devono cogliere ogni opportunità per diffondere l'umanizzazione della tecnologia.

A deep analysis about the trade-off between efficiency and elegance in tech, and makes the case that we should always emphasize human-ness and human moments in interaction design. Through anecdotes and analysis from his time at Google and his years spent working in several different countries (including Italy), Ouilhet makes the case that designers must privilege the opportunities for imparting more human-ness.

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