The importance of dialogue in healthcare technology design

Andrea Bolioli

Linguista computazionale e laureato in filosofia, co-fondatore di CELI - Language Technology (1999), Research & Innovation Manager in H-FARM Innovation. Autore dal 1992 di articoli scientifici di Natural Language Processing, AI e Digital Humanities, si occupa da alcuni anni di tecnologie NLP per l’healthcare.

Computational linguist and philosopher, co-founder of CELI - Language Technology (1999), Research & Innovation Manager at H-FARM Innovation. Since 1992, he has been author of scientific articles on Natural Language Processing, AI and Digital Humanities, as well as dealing with NLP technologies for healthcare.

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June 18, 2021
OGR Cult - Duomo

Per poter progettare tecnologie per l'healthcare, gli sviluppatori hanno bisogno di ascoltare e dialogare con i pazienti, i caregiver, gli operatori sanitari e i medici, per capire quali sono i loro bisogni e poter progettare servizi utili alle cure. In questo intervento vengono presentati esempi di progettazione partecipata di tecnologie di e-health basate sul dialogo uomo-macchina, con un focus sull'armonizzazione dei bisogni degli attori coinvolti.

To design technologies for healthcare, web developers need to dialogue with the patients, the caregivers, the health workers and the doctors, in order to understand theirs needs and to design useful services. The talk illustrates some examples of e-health technologies co-design based on the interaction between man and machine, with a focus on the attunement of the needs of people being involved in this context.

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